Wednesday, February 1, 2012


With about two weeks to go before members of the ROTARY DREAM TEAM - INDIA 2012 begin to leave their homes and head toward airports and flights to new experiences and new friendships, last minute preparations are being made, both in our homes and businesses, but also half-way around the world in India. My colleague and dear friend (Little Brother) Sanjiv Saran, past president of the Rotary Club of Delhi-Megapolis is putting the final touches on the travel itineraries for our group. Suggested packing list items, room share lists, Email address lists, badges to be made by another dear friend and multi-year member of the DREAM TEAM, Kelly Wike from Pennsylvania, helpful travel tips and so much more - these are all going on while we continue to work at our jobs, interact with our families and Rotary Clubs.
One of the most remarkable experiences I will enjoy is that on my birthday, February 19, 2012, I will share in the excitement of administering polio vaccine drops to hundreds of children in villages near the Mewat district in Haryana state in India! This is one of the areas where in the past few years, Rotary has made great strides in immunizing children, and therefore, curbing the spread of this insidious disease - the crippling and sometimes deadly disease - POLIO. As of January of 2012, we are pleased to report that there has not been any reported new case of polio in India for twelve months! What a phenomenal accomplishment - an accomplishment of Rotarians from around the world who have financially supported this effort through contributions to The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International, but also for those tens of thousands of Rotarians and friends of Rotary who have volunteered their time and treasure to travel to India to participate in the National Immunization Days (NIDs) against polio, year after year. In reflection, I have had the honor of leading more than three hundred of these selfless volunteers to India over the past ten years and I am forever grateful to them for their willingness to share themselves in this cause.
Once again, on the first leg of our journey, those of us who are flying out of Newark's Liberty Airport on February 16th, will gather at GALLAGHER'S STEAKHOUSE for our final "western-style" dinner, before departing on our 15-hour flight to Delhi.
Wish us well in our efforts!

1 comment:

  1. Past President Linda Bertuzzi of the Las Vegas Fremont Rotary Club and Randy Pote of the North Las Vegas Rotary Club will depart Las Vegas tomorrow morning at 6:00 am for the Dream Team 2012 journey to India. Spent last evening writing daily love notes to my daughter to read and follow my daily journey while I am away. So excited to meet you all in Delhi! We are "This Close!!!"
